Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Butler, Howard Crosby; Princeton University [Hrsg.]
Syria: publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904 - 5 and 1909 (Div. 3, Sect. A ; 3) — 1913

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232. Block. 177-180 a.d. Found lying on the ground in the gate in the northern
portion of the west wall of the city, the so-called “Gate of Commodus” (see Div. II.
a. 3, p. 156). The block was doubtless built into the wall above the 'arch over the
gateway. Length 1.02 m.; height at the left end 46 cm., at the right end 41 cm. Height
of the letters in 1. 1, 7-7^ cm.; in the other lines, 51/2-6 cm. (of 0 in 1. 5, 4 cm.).
Cyril Graham, Trans. Roy. Soc. of Lit. vi, p. 301 = Waddington, 2057 a and b = C.I.L. in 6027,
6028; G. Robinson Lees, Geogr. Journ. v (1895), p. 19; Schumacher and Zangemeister, M.N.D.P.-V. 1896,
p. 49 f. = Westdeutsche Zeitschr. 1897, Korr.-JBl. p. 25 — C.I.L. in 141492; Dussaud and Macler, M.S.M.
p. 280, no. 120.


Inscr. 232. Scale i : 20.

Imp(eratore) Caes(are) M(arco) Aur(elio) Antonino
Aug(usto) Arm(eniaco) Part(hico) Med(ico) Germ(anico) Sarm(atico)
[et Imp(eratore) Caes(are) L(ucio) Aur(elio) Commodo Aug(usto) Germ(anico)
Sarm(atico)] opus valli perfectum sub ....
.Severo leg(ato) Aug(ustorum) pr(o) pr(aetore) co(n)s(ule) des(ignato).
This copy does not differ materially from that of MM. Dussaud and Macler, which
is the most complete of the copies of this inscription heretofore made. In our reading
T in 1. 1 is plain, and there are traces of letters after SVB in 1. 4, which do not appear
in the copy published in M.S.If.
The restoration of the titles of Commodus as proposed by Zangemeister {M.N.D.P.- V.
1896, p. 51) - ARM- PART· MED· GERM- SARM- - is impossible, for the space in 11. 3-4
is too short to have contained so many letters. Furthermore there is no evidence that
the first three titles were ever conferred on Commodus. In one inscription where the
titles ARMEN- PARTH- occur {C.I.L in 143703), Zangemeister has himself noted the
error; see Limesblatt, 1899, no. 32 (so also Hettner, Arch. Anz. 1899, p. 89). The
titles of Germanictts and Sarmaticus were conferred on Commodus in 172 and 175
respectively, that of Augustus in 177. Since AVG- is certainly to be restored in 1. 3
(cf. AVGG· in 1. 5), the date of this inscription is between 177 and March 17, 180,
the day of Marcus’ death, and more closely, perhaps, soon after 177, following the
Emperor’s visit to the Orient in 176.

Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria, Div. Ill, Sec. A, Pt. 3.