Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Much of this is covered by mountains and forest land. As to Prince Albert's family, we
may here briefly state that the Duchess of Kent is his aunt, and Leopold, King of
the Belgians, his uncle. We may further state, that some of his ancestors were notice-
able men. In the dimness that overhangs the days of Charlemagne, we faintly perceive
a Saxon chief named Wittekind, who for thirty years defied that prince's power. From
his loins sprung the race of which Prince Albert is a younger son. All readers of
Luther's life know how he was befriended by the Elector of Saxony, Frederick " the
Wise," John "the Constant," and John Frederick, "the Magnanimous." Prince Albert
boasts these men as his ancestors. Their blood floats in his veins, and he is true to the
faith they held. We have already stated that Prince Albert received the rudiments of
his education in the Castle of Erenburg. His masters were chiefly selected from the
College of Coburg, and his proficiency was of the most signal character. After the
death of Prince Albert's mother, Dorothy Louisa Paulina Charlotte Frederiea Augusta,
daughter of Augustus, the last duke but one of Saxe Gotha Altenberg, while his father
was engaged in arrangements for a second alliance, it was thought expedient that the
Prince should be removed for a time from home, and he became the visitor of her Royal
Highness the Duchess of Kent, and the fellow-student of the young Princess, whose
heart and hand he was afterwards to share. Who knows but that the seeds of that
attachment were then sown which rendered the after marriage of so different a character
to what royal marriages generally are! Be this, however, as it may. Prince Albert,
who had completed his eleventh year, partook of the lessons in the English language,
music, and the various sciences, which were given to his illustrious cousin. Fifteen
months were thus spent, when, after his father's second marriage, he returned home. So
assiduous was the Prince in his application to study, that at the age of seventeen he
passed with eclat an examination which admitted him into the University of Bonn,
where his education was completed, and where, owing to his amiable manners and pro-
priety of conduct, he became a general favourite.

When, at the close of his university career, Prince Albert returned to his father's
court, the inhabitants of the duchy vied with each other in doing honour to the event.
His entry into public life was celebrated by poems, balls, illuminations, and rejoicings of
all kinds. Soon after the Prince paid a second visit to this country. The occasion was
the coronation of her Majesty. Amongst the guests brought together by that event,
were no visitors more popular than the Prince and his illustrious sire. On his return the
Prince prepared for a tour in Italy, where he spent the winter of that year. Already
it is probable that the event which was to raise him to so high a rank was in con-
templation. It is said, on his return from Italy, the first object that met his eyes on
entering his apartment, was a portrait of her Majesty, which had, during his absence,
been sent over for his acceptance from the Queen. At any rate, coming events did cast
their shadows before. Hints were dropped by our " own special correspondent," and at
the beginning of October, 1839, Prince Albert embarked with his brother, Prince Ernest,
for his third visit to London. During this sojourn all doubts were put to flight, and
on the 2nd of November following, her Majesty, at a court held at Buckingham Palace,
declared that the Prince was. the husband of her choice. The course of royal love did
run smooth, and on the 10th of February, 1840, the service, read alike over the highest
and the lowest in the land, joined together the royal pair. The issue of that marriage
are—1, Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, born November 21, 1840; 2,
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, born November 9, 1841; 3, Alice Maud Mary, born
April 25, 1843; 4, Alfred Ernest Albert, born August 6, 1844; 5, Helena Augusta
Victoria, born May 25, 1846; 6, Louisa Carolina Alberta, born March 18, 1848; 7,
Arthur Patrick William Albert, born May 1, 1850. And whilst we are yet writing,