Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Taylor, Charles
A Familiar Treatise On Drawing, For Youth: Being An Elementary Introduction To The Fine Arts, Designed For The Instruction Of Young Persons Whose Genius Leads Them To Study This Elegant And Useful Branch Of Education — London, 1827

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Plate. Artists.

I. Eyes at Large - - - - - De Marteau.

II. Eyes at Large..... De Marteau.

III. Noses at Large - - - - - De Marteau.

IV. Noses at Large - - - - De Marteau.
V. Mouths at Large - - - De Marteau.

VI. Mouths at Large - - - - De Marteau.

VII. Ear at Large - - - -

Le Clerc.

VIII. Ears at Large - - - -

Le Clerc.

IX. Head in Front - - -

- De Marteau.

X. Three-quarters Face - -

De Marteau.

XI. Head looking down - -

De Marteau.

XII. Head looking up - -

- De Marteau,

XIII. Six heads - -

- Alex. Brown, A.

XIV. Six heads - -

- Alex. Brown, A.

XV. Character of Childhood

Le Clerc.

XVI. Character of Childhood -

- Le Clerc.

XVII. Childhood and Manhood -

- Le Brun.

XVIII. Youth and Age - - -

Le Brun.

XIX. Attention and Admiration -

- R.M.Paye,F.S.A.

XX. Respect and Veneration -

- De Marteau.

XXI. Hands......

- Vandyke.

XXII. Arms.......- f ^P^ani and

( Bartolozzi.

XXIII. Proportions of the Figure - - Gerard Lairesse.

XXIV. Attitudes of the Figure Poussin.
XXV. Attitudes of the Figure Poussin.

XXVI. Attitudes of the Figure Poussin.
XXVII. Attitudes of the Figure - Poussin.
XXVIII. The Young Water Carrier— ) c. , ,

Study. I SlDglet0n-

XXIX. The Young Fruiterer—Study Mortimer, R. A.

XXX. Children's Diversion—Study Singleton.
XXXI. The Bursting Bubble—Study Singleton.
XXXII. The Farmer's Daughter—Study Singleton.
XXXIII. The Attentive Shepherdess—} c- , .

Study ----- J Singleton.