Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Texier, Charles; Pullan, Richard P.
The principal ruins of Asia Minor — London, 1865

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This being the case—if our future architecture is to be based upon the laws of proportion—every carefully
drawn and measured example of pure Greek or Grsoco-Roman architecture will become valuable for the purpose
of study; and therefore it is hoped that no apology need be considered necessary for the publication of an
English edition of a series of illustrations of some of the finest buildings of antiquity, selected from M. Texier's
large work on Asia Minor, the high price of which precludes its circulation amongst those to whom it would
be most useful.

As the engravings were executed by the best engravers in Prance, and are therefore of the highest class,
they will probably not only be interesting and useful to the architect, but also attractive to men of
literary and refined tastes, to whom the names of the cities of Ionia and Oaria are familiar.

The plates are preceded by a short narrative of various journeys made by me through that part of Asia
Minor in which some of the principal ruins illustrated are situated, given in language as plain and concise
as possible, and accompanied by historical notices compiled and abridged chiefly from the writings of M.
Texier, who, I believe, is the only traveller who has visited all the sites described. Detailed accounts of
the various routes followed are given, accompanied by a map, in the hope that the itineraries thus furnished
may be useful to other travellers.

My best thanks are due to Mr. P. C. Penrose for his kindness in revising the book for press during my
absence from England. And as travellers in foreign countries depend much for their comfort, and also for
the success of their undertakings, upon the good offices rendered them by friends resident there, and have
seldom the opportunity of expressing their gratitude, I cannot let this opportunity pass without thanking
my various friends at Smyrna and elsewhere for hospitality shown me during my sojourn among them, and
for the assistance they afforded me by furthering the objects of my visit as far as lay in their power.

R. P. P.

London, January, 18G5.


P. 22, line 2, for Alexandria Icones read Alexandria Troas,

„ „ for abnomous read autonomous.

P. 37, line 8, for these princes read the invaders.
P. 43, line 26, for hexedrse read exedrse.
P. 48, line 8, for alterations read alteration.