Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 2.1972/​1975

DOI Artikel:
Lucas, A. T.: Irish ploughing practices, 2
DOI Artikel:
Johnston, Robert M.: The multi-manned pull-shovel in contemporary Korea
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Petty, Sir William: The Political Anatomy of Ire-
land. London 1691.
18 Report: Eighteenth Report of the Deputy Keeper
of the Public Records in Ireland. Appendix.
Rich, Barnabe: A New Description of Ireland. Lon-
don 1610.
Robertson, James, D. D.: A General View of the
Agriculture in the County of Perth. Perth 1799.
Statutes: The Statutes at Large passed in the Par-
liaments held in Ireland. Dublin 1786, vol. 2.
Temple, Sir William: Miscellanea, 5th edition. Lon-
don 1697, part 1.
Ulster Journ. 1857. Ulster Journal of Archaeology.
1st series, vol. 5, 1857.

Ulster Journ. 1858: Ulster Journal of Archaeology
1st series, vol. 6, 1858.
Ulster Journ. 1941: Ulster Journal of Archaeology.
3rd series, vol. 4, 1941, supplement.
Wakefield, Edward: An Account of Ireland Statis-
cal and Political, vol. I. London 1812.
White, Newport, B. ed.: The Red Book of Ormond.
Dublin 1932.
Vallency, Charles ed.: Collectanea de Rebus Hiber-
nicis. Dublin 1770 no. 1.
Young: Arthur Young’s Tour in Ireland (1776—
1779) edited by Arthur Wollaston Hutton, Lon-
don 1892.
ZCP = Zeitschriftfiir Celtische Philologie vol. 4, 1903.


Robert M. Johnston

As a resident in South Korea during the years
1958-1969, I witnessed many times a work-
custom of common occurrence in that country,
of which recent attestation may be of interest
to cultural anthropologists and students of agri-
cultural implements: namely, the use of one
shovel by several workers simultaneously.
M. Heydrich, as well as P. Leser, (Heydrich
26, 27; Leser 550) described an older form of
this shovel over forty years ago. The imple-
ments described and shown by them differed in
appearance and possibly in the nature of their
use from that of today. While the blade of the
contemporary instrument is made entirely of
iron or steel, that described by Heydrich was
partly wooden, being only tipped with metal1.
Heydrich referred to it as a Ziehspaten (though
he later equivocates with the designation Schau-

felspaten), but remarks that it “nur ausnahms-
weise zum Ziehen von Furchen beniitzt wird”
(Heydrich 27 par. 2). Other early foreign tra-
vellers to Korea, the accuracy of whose obser-
vations, however, seems open to question, de-
scribe the tool as a spade (Bishop 187; Hamil-
ton 120-121). I have never seen it used as a
spade, but rather as a shovel. Heydrich claims
that the Schaufel was originally unknown in
Korea (Heydrich 26).
It is here important to remark upon a se-
mantic difference between the German and
English languages, of which many readers may
be unaware. While the English spade and Ger-
man Spaten are roughly equivalent, shovel and
Schaufel, in spite of etymological relationship,
are by no means the same. Many types of imple-
ments which English is willing to call shovel