Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 7.1992/​1995

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Tools & Tillage Vol. VII : 2-3 1993-1994

Editorial I Geleitwort. 65
Valter Lang (Tallinn):
Prehistoric and Medieval Field Systems in Estonia
Vorgeschichtliche und mittelalterliche Flurformen in Estland. 67

Clearance cairn fields - Medieval forest fields - Baltic fields - Celtic fields -
block shaped fields - strip fields - Jalase - Saha Loo - Proosa - Ilmandu -
Kutsala - C14datings
Stephen P. Carter (Edinburgh):
Radiocarbon Dating Evidence for the Age of Narrow Cultivation
Ridges in Scotland
Radiokarbon-datierte Belege von schmalen Wolbackern in Schottland 83
Machrie North - Allt na Fearna Mor, Lairg - Gruids - Prehistoric ridges -
Medieval ridges - C14dating
Rimute Rimantiene (Vilnius):
Substantial Remains of Incipient Neolithic Agriculture at Sventoji 6,
a Narwa Culture Settlement in Lithuania
Landwirtschaftliche Arbeitsgerate in der neolithischen Siedlung der
Narwa-Kultur Sventoji 6, Litauen. 92
Sventoji - Narwa culture - hoes - wooden hand ards - threshing tool - incipient
Neolithic agriculture - Italian millet - emmer - C14datings
Wijnand A. B. van der Sanden (Drenthe):
Early Iron Age Ard Shares from Drenthe, the Netherlands
Hakenschare aus der friihen Eisenzeit von Drenthe in der Nieder-
landen. 103
Echten - Erm - Loon - arrowshaped wooden shares — C14dating
Wang Xing-guang (Zhengzhou):
On the Farm Tools and Techniques in the Peiligang Culture Period of
the Yellow River Valley in China
Uber landwirtschaftliche Arbeitsgerate und Techniken in der Peili-
gang - Kultur im Tai des Hwangho (gelber Fluss) in China. 107
Early Neolithic agriculture - polished stone implements - axe - adze - spade - sickle -
saddlequern - roller - Peiligang culture 7-8000 years ago - Egou - Jiahu - Shigu -
Henan - Yangshao culture sites - millet - rice 8000 years ago — C14datings
Reviews / Buchbesprechungen. 119