Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tsuntas, Chrestos
The Mycenaean age: a study of the monuments and culture of pre-homeric Greece — London, 1897

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H. Homeric. M. Mycenae, i.-vi. indicating the Royal Graves. 0. Orchomenos. T. Tiryns.

V. Vapliio.

Aah-hotep, 232.

Achaeans, at Mycenae and Sparta, 342 ;

advanced from Corinth, 345 ;

built beehive tombs, 343-6;

colonized islands, 356 ;

dwelt once in sunken huts, 343 ;

in Homer, 3, 342 ;

traits of character, 357;

united with conquered Danaans, 345.
Acharnae, see Menidi.
Achelous, 302.
Aehilleid, 363.
Achilles, 95, 112, 159,151, 153, 319, 363;

his shield, 2, 193, 214 n., 324, 353.
Acorn, design in pendant from Aegina,

Acrorco.inthos, 12.
Acropolis, areas compared, 369, 375;

on iE;>-ina, 338;

at Athens, 8, 12. 239,369,383,386, 388,
(Propylaea) 45;

at Mycenae, 25,32,369, (enlarged) 113 ;

at Troy, 363-9.
Adler on acropolis (M.). 31 n., 113;

change of dynasty at Mycenae, 345 n.;

Doric column, 323 n.;

Grave-circle, 110;

masonry, 26 n.; »

Treasury of Atreus, 122-3 n., 139;

vaulted tombs. 245;

■walls of Tiryns, 330, 332 n.
Aeakid badge, shield as, 392;

kingdom, 387.
Aegina, coins of, 394 ;

contact with Minyans, 392; with Attica
and Cyclades, 389;

Dorian, conquest of, 394 ;
sailors of, 354;

houses, 338;

pottery, 240, 388-9;

sculpture, 205;

Theraean pottery at, 241;

treasure from, 9, 325, 389-94, (date)

-wealth of, 303;
women of, 163.

Aeginetan dynasty at Salamis, 392.
Aegisthus, 154, 158.
Aeschylus, (Choeph. 479) 313.
Agamemnon, agora of (?), 85 ;
empire of, 16, 338, 342 ;
grcve of (?), 154-8 ;
historic basis for, 361.
Agate, 207, 219.
Agora, of Agamemnon (?), 85;

at Glia, 106.
Agriculture, 3'52, 353;

school of, Capodistria's, 18, 353.
the basis of prosperity, 355 ;
Ahmes, cartouche of, on Egyptian dagger-
blade, 232.
Ajax, shield of, on coins of Salamis,

Akontion, Mt., 328.
Alabaster capital, 123;
cornice, 119, 123;
frieze, (T.) 46 ;
objects of, (M. iv.) 90;
pilasters, 119, 123;
sword-pommel, 200;
■vessels, 75, (M. iii.) 88, (V.) 145, 165,

wall-casing, 121.
Albanian sailors of Hydra and Spetsia,

Alcinous, orchards of, 18;
palace of, 2;
its doors, 61;
its frieze, 47, 324 ;
its golden watch-dogs, 31;
its megaron, 64.
Alexander, at Troy, xx.
Alexandrian period, 302.
Alphabets, origin of the Mediterranean,
270 n., 2P8;
origin of the Phoenician, 288-9.
Altar, 309-10;
over Grave IV, 89, 97, 110, 150, 310;
in Homeric palace, 46 n., 63, 310;
■ in household, 306 ;
atHhaca. (H.) 308;
painted on plaque, 170, 299;