Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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No. 368.

Dated Lahore, the August 1884.


Lieutenant-Colonel E. G. WACE,

Commissioner of Settlements and Agriculture,



R. G. THOMSON, Esq.,

Senior Secretary to Financial Commissioner,



I have the honor to submit the final Report of the Simla
Submits final report on Settlement required by C.Y. 7 of the rules under
the Simla Settlement, ap- the Land Revenue Act. The Annual Demand
pendices and village state- Statement and Statement of Tenures are ap-
pended ; as also a summary of the Notifications
under which the Settlement operations have been carried out and a Map
of the Simla district. The village statements 1 have made over to the
Deputy Commissioner. My report is necessarily confined to the Settlement
operations and to information likely to be of use in the Revenue admi-
nistration of the district. It consists principally of extracts from my
Assessment and Forest Reports.

2. The Settlement was commenced in May 1881 ; and I have
^ . „ been in charge of it, as Settlement Officer, from

ment8amZatl°n ° 1 6 f ettle' first to last. The subordinate establishment
has been one Deputy Superintendent, a Mun-
sarim, and a few temporary employes. The history of the operations
can be dismissed very briefly. The Settlement has been a first regular
Settlement, and it has included a complete survey, the preparation of
the record of rights, assessment of the revenue, and a Forest Settlement.
The work was done in two sections ; first, the lower portions of the district,
viz., Bharauli, Shiva, and Kalka, were taken up and completed by June
1882; then the upper portion Kotkhai, Kotguru, and the Simla villages ;
the work in these being completed by November 1883.