Fig. 101.
Above the tail is all
1. (Fig. 101.) Neck and handle of an aryballos of Corinthian style (p. 171). Diameter
of mouth, 0.054: m. Clay yellow or light buff, with yellow slip. Decoration carefully
painted in brown, with some
red. The cuts (from draw-
ings by Gillieron) show re-
spectively top, back, and side
views of the fragment. Be-
low the handle a bit of the
body of the vase is preserved,
and on it appears the wing
and tail of a bird, painted in light brown, with incised details
that remains of the inscription, also in a light brown.
The drawing gives no adequate idea of the condition of the surface, and tends to make
certain traces of letters appear clearer than they really are, while discolorations of the
surface, which confuse the reading, are not indicated. All that is sure are phi, and, to
the right of phi, a Sikyonian e-sign. What followed is as uncertain as what preceded,
for the paint has largely disappeared, and, in places, the slip as well. Traces of at least
three letters are visible, but they are too indistinct to justify any conjectures as to the
original reading.
It is to be regretted that the inscription is not complete, for it is older than that on
the Berlin amphora a colonnette, 1147, and Sikyonian inscrip-
tions on vases are of interest if only for their rarity. Cf.
Kretschmer, Ghriech. Vaseninschriften, p. 51, and UpaKTLKoi,
1899, p. 61 (from Thermon).
2. (Fig. 102.) Two fragments of a deinos ; combined length,
0.117 m. Clay light buff, with dull black glaze inside and out
in a dirty brown immediately below rim.
Fig. 102.
Inscription painted
-------------v8po<; /jl€ av\_edrjKe]
The loop of the second letter preserved differs in size and shape from the loop of the
third letter; hence the combination -Sp- is preferable to -pp-.
3. For At[/ra?] or At[^ea?] on a fragment of late-Corinthian ware, see above, p. 173.
1. On flat rim of small bowl. Buff clay, poor brownish glaze.
to.? 'H[pa? 17^1]
1 The inscriptions are reproduced in the actual size of the originals.
Above the tail is all
1. (Fig. 101.) Neck and handle of an aryballos of Corinthian style (p. 171). Diameter
of mouth, 0.054: m. Clay yellow or light buff, with yellow slip. Decoration carefully
painted in brown, with some
red. The cuts (from draw-
ings by Gillieron) show re-
spectively top, back, and side
views of the fragment. Be-
low the handle a bit of the
body of the vase is preserved,
and on it appears the wing
and tail of a bird, painted in light brown, with incised details
that remains of the inscription, also in a light brown.
The drawing gives no adequate idea of the condition of the surface, and tends to make
certain traces of letters appear clearer than they really are, while discolorations of the
surface, which confuse the reading, are not indicated. All that is sure are phi, and, to
the right of phi, a Sikyonian e-sign. What followed is as uncertain as what preceded,
for the paint has largely disappeared, and, in places, the slip as well. Traces of at least
three letters are visible, but they are too indistinct to justify any conjectures as to the
original reading.
It is to be regretted that the inscription is not complete, for it is older than that on
the Berlin amphora a colonnette, 1147, and Sikyonian inscrip-
tions on vases are of interest if only for their rarity. Cf.
Kretschmer, Ghriech. Vaseninschriften, p. 51, and UpaKTLKoi,
1899, p. 61 (from Thermon).
2. (Fig. 102.) Two fragments of a deinos ; combined length,
0.117 m. Clay light buff, with dull black glaze inside and out
in a dirty brown immediately below rim.
Fig. 102.
Inscription painted
-------------v8po<; /jl€ av\_edrjKe]
The loop of the second letter preserved differs in size and shape from the loop of the
third letter; hence the combination -Sp- is preferable to -pp-.
3. For At[/ra?] or At[^ea?] on a fragment of late-Corinthian ware, see above, p. 173.
1. On flat rim of small bowl. Buff clay, poor brownish glaze.
to.? 'H[pa? 17^1]
1 The inscriptions are reproduced in the actual size of the originals.