Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Wood, Robert
The ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmore, in the desart — London, 1753

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Taken from the North Eait

IN the following explication of this view, the plates are referred to which con-
tain the parts of each building, at large ; and whatever part of this view is not
more particularly explained afterwards, in other plates, was either too much de-
ftroyed to allow of meafurement, or is purpofedly omitted, to avoid a repetition
of the fame proportions and ornaments.

A. The temple of the fun.

B. A fquare tower.built by the Turks, in the place wherS

the portico flood.

C. The wall which enclofed the court of the temple. The

parts of this temple and its court are particularly de-
scribed from plate III to plate XXI.

D. Ground cultivated by the Arabs, whofe olives and corn

are divided by little enclofures of dried mud.
E» A very large column, the greateft part of which, (with
its entablature) is fallen. Some fragments about it
(hew, there has been a large building in this place.
Its diameter near the bafe is five feet and a half.

F. A ruinous Turkifh mofque, with its minaret.

G. A great column of the fame diameter with that mark-

ed E.

H. An arch. See it defcribed from plate XXII to plate
XXVI. From this arch to the building marked W,
a diftance not much lefs than 4000 feet, extends a,
portico. Plate II (hews the direction of its co-

I. Columns, which ftill fupport a confiderable part of
their entablature, and are fo difpofed, that they look
like the peryftile of a little temple, of which the
cell is quite deftroyed.

K. Here are four granite columns, one of them is ftill
{landing, the other three are on the ground,; their
fhaft is of one piece, and their diameter the fame
with the other columns of the long portico.

L. A number of columns which, from the manner in
which they are difpofed (See plate II) we thought
at firfi might belong to a Circus j but, upon clofer

examination, it did not feem poffible, that the ground
could admit of fuch a building. Their diameter is
two feet four inches, and their intercolumniation fix
feet ten inches.

M. A little temple, which fee defcribed from plate
XXVII to plate XXXI.

N. The cell of a temple, with part of its,peryftile.

O. Four large pedeftals, which fee from plate XXXII
to plate XXXIV.

P. A line of columns, which feem to have belonged to a
portico, terminating upon that part of the long por-
tico, where the foregoing pedeftals are. Their dia-
meter is two feet fix inches, and their intercolumni-
ation feven feet three inches.

Q^Seems to be the ruins of a chriftian church.

R. Nothing more remains of this large building, than thofe
four columns and their rich entablature.

S. Thefe columns are difpofed much as thofe marked

T. Ruins of a fepulchre,

V. Building which we fuppofe to have been erected by
Dioclefian. See from plate XLIV to plate LII.

W. Sepulchre, upon which the long portico terminates to
the north weft. See from plate XXXVI to plate


X. Ruins of a Turkifh fortification.
Y. A fepulchre. See plates LIII and LIV.
Z. The Turkifh caftle on the hill,
a. The fepulchres without the wall. See from plate LV
to plate hVII.
