Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Wood, Robert [Hrsg.]
The ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis in Coelosyria — London, 1757

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THE Specimen of our Eaftern Travels, which we have already given introduaioiu
the publick in the RuiNs of Palmyra, has met with fuch a favour-
able reception as feems to call for the Sequel. We gratefully accept
of the extraordinary indulgence fhewn us upon that occafion as an
invitation to proceed, and fhall therefore produce, from the materials which we
have been able to collect in the courfe of our voyage, what ever we think may
in any degree promote real knowledge, or fatisfy rational curiofity.

"We conlider ourfelves as engaged in the fervice of the Re-publick of Letters,
which knows, or ought to know, neither diftin£tion of country, nor feparate in-
terefts. We fhall therefore continue to publifh our Work, not only in Englifh,
but alfo in the language of a neighbouring Kingdom, whofe candid judgment of
our firft production, under the difadvantage of a hafty and negligent tranflation,
deferves at leaft this acknowledgement.

Having obferved that defcriptions of ruins, without accurate drawings, M.-
dom preferve more of their fubjecl: than it's confufion, we fhall, as in the Ruins
of Palmyra, refer our reader almoft entirely to the plates 5 where his informa-
tion will be more full and circumftantial, as well as lefs tedious and confufed,
than could be conveyed by the happieft precifion of language. It fhall alfo, in
this, as in the former volume, he our principal care to prod ace things as we found
them, leaving reflections and reafonings upon them to others.

This laft rule we fhall fcrupuloufly obferve in defcribing the Buildings ;
where all criticifm on the beauties and faults of the Architecture is left en-
tirely to the reader. If in this preliminary difcourfe we intermix a few obferva-
tions of our own, not fo necefiarily connected with the fubjeel:, it is with a view
to throw a little variety into a very dry collection of fa£b,from which at any rate
we can not promife much entertainment.

Before we had quite finifhed our bulinefs at Palmyra our Arabian Efcort began J0™*****
to folicit our departure with fome impatience: our fafety in returning was, they
faid,much more precarious than in our journey thither; becaufe they had then only
accidental dangers to apprehend, whereas they were now to guard againft a pre-
meditated furprize from the King of the Bedouins, or wandering Arabs, who
might have had intelligence of us, and think us a prize worth looking after. We

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