Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The aim of the editor has been to present as clearly
as possible the facts Mr. Wood gathered respecting the
history of Ephesus, its classical and Christian antiquities,
giving with considerable fulness of detail the story of
the long search, at last appropriately rewarded by the
discovery of the veritable site of the temple in which
once stood ' the image which fell down from Jupiter,'
of the great goddess Diana, against whose worship St.
Paul's preaching dealt such deadly blows.

The object sought in this volume has been to put all
these facts into such a form as to be useful to the Bible
student. If at first sight it should seem hardly suitable
for the series in which it is found, reflection will pro-
bably lead to the conviction that a record which throws
so much light upon the city where Apollos and St. Paul
and St. John were all well known as faithful preachers
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, well deserves a place in
any series of books intended to illustrate the Scripture
record. The careful student of this little book, and
the plans and illustrations which it contains, will be
able to form some tolerably clear mental pictures of
the great temple, and of the busy port of the Ephesus
of the first Christian century. And the power to do
this can hardly fail to deepen the reverent interest with
which he will peruse afresh the wonderful description
contained in the nineteenth chapter of the Acts; and
recall the fact that here St. John manifested the power
and charm of his well-nigh perfect character, and that
here he penned those blessed words, ' If we walk in