Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Coressus, Mount, 19, 23.
Corinthian capital, discovery of, 57.
Council held at Ephesus, 19.
Crcesus besieges Ephesus, 14.
Cross, discovery of sculpture of the,

Ctesiphon builds temple, 81.
Cyzicus, gold used in temple at, 62.

Damianus, porch of, 3S.

De Cuyper, Mr., 68.

Decrees in Great Theatre, 34.

Demetrius, 16, 17, 84.

Demetrius, king, 34.

Demetrius, a priest of Diana, Si.

Diana, temple of, its site, 13 ; saves
Ephesus, 14 ; three times rebuilt,
15 ; Augustus limits precincts of,
17; shrines of, iS ; destruction
of, 18; site of, 24; rank of, 26;
discovery of peribolus wall of, 40 ;
discovery of site of, 40, 44; anta
of, 44 ; cella walls of, 44 ; base of
column of, 44; peristyle of, 46 ;
colours of, 46; Greek pavement
of, 46; church in, 47 ; Roman
cemetery in, 47 ; statue of Her-
cules, 4S ; drum of column of, 49 ;
pavements of, 50 ; fragments in,
51 ; carving of, 51 ; hardness of
marble of, 51 ; difference of style
in, 51; destruction of, by Goths
and Christians, 56 ; door of, 57 ;
Roman pavement, 57 ; bas-relief
in, 59; step of the platform, 60 ;
lime-kiln in, 61 ; oak beam of,

61 ; astragals, 62; use of gold in,

62 ; limits of, 63 ; portico, 63 ;
cymatium of, 64 ; well, 65; cameo,
65 ; frieze, 65 ; mortar of, 65 ;
foundations of, 65 ; piers of church
in, 66; lowest pavement, 67;
universum templum of, 70; di-
mensions of, 70; steps in, 70;
description of, 73 ; columns of,
73 ; sculpture of, 76 ; inscriptions
of, 76 ; cella of, 77 ; open to the
s^yi 77 ! a^tar °f> 7$ ; statue of
the goddess, 78; tiles of, 78;
colours used in, 81 ; dates of, 81 ;
founders of, 81 ; destroyed by

Erostratus, 81 ; architect of, 82 ;

marble of, 82.
Difficulties of the work, 109.
Dinocrates, architect of temple, 82.
Dogs, native, 58.
Donaldson, T. L., quoted, 73.
Door-jamb of St. Luke, discovery of,

32, 86.
Dorian migration, the, 13.
Drum of column, discovery of, 49.

Edrise, the cavass, 92.

Ephesus, situation of, 13; history
of, 13; Androclus founds, 13;
becomes a republic, 14; ruled
by tyrants, 14; siege of, 14;
revolt of, 15; subject to Persia,
15 ; freed by Alexander, 15 ;
taken by Antigonus, 15; ruled
by an oligarchy, 15; various
rulers, 15; in the hands of Kings
of Pergamus, 16; embankment
of, 16 ; importance of, 16; sub-
dued by Romans, 17 ; prosperity
of, 17; buildings of, 17; Chris-
tianity in, 17 ; Jews in, 18 ; sacked
by Goths, 18; churches in, 19;
Timothy first Bishop of, 19';
Council at, 19; decline of, 19 ;
taken by Turks, 19; taken by
Knights of St. John, 19; desertion
of, 20; wall of, 23; St. Paul's
Prison, 23; gates of, 23; towers
of, 23 ; cisterns of, 24; rivers of,
24 ; site of temple, 24; ancient
remains in, 24; letters from
Coesar to rulers of, 30 ; Christian
antiquities of, 83.

Ephesus Pass, chalet at, 30.

Epiphanius, 86.

Erato, figure of, 29.

Erectheum, gilding of, 62.

Erostratus destroys temple, 81.

Essene, the tribe, 34.

Eumenes, 16.

Euonymian tribe, image of, 37.

Eusebius, quoted, 85.

Fadilla, 57.

Farewell to Ephesus, 68 ; to
Smyrna, 69.