Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Fasoolah water, the, 69.

Fatal accident, 106.

Faustina, 57.

February in Asia Minor, 67.

Fight between Greeks and Turks,

Firman, terms of, 26.
Font, discovery of, 41.
Fructus, D. Publicius, tomb of, 38.

Gaudentius, 86.

Genoa, coins of, 47.

Gold used in temple, 62.

Gordianus II, medal of, 73.

Goths, the, sack Ephesus, iS; 'de-
stroy the temple of Diana, 56.

Great Gymnasium, site of, 24; blown
up, 27 ; excavations at, 28.

Great Theatre, site of, 24; exploration
of, 33 ; decrees in, 34.

Greece, splendour of, 15.

Greek inscriptions, discovery of, 91.

Greek pavement, discovery of, 44.

Gregory Nazianzen, 86.

Hadrian, Emperor, inscriptions of,

found, 30.
Hercules, labour of, discovery of

statue of, 4S; his lifting of

Antams, 56.
Hermes, figure of, 49.
Ilippolyte, statue of, 4S.

Images, discovery of inscription re-
ferring to, 36.
Inscriptions, fragments of, 30.
Ionic Confederation, the, 13.

January in Asia Minor, 67.
Jews in Ephesus, 18.

Khans in Asia Minor, 113.

Kiourts, arrest of, in.

Knightsof St. John take Ephesus, 19.

Labartim, the, 39, 90.
Land-owners, compensation to, 46.
Lictor, tomb of a, 38.
Lime-kiln, discovery of, 61.
Lucius Verus, statue of, 29.
Lysimachus, 15.

Mseandrum, 38.

Magicians, books of, burnt, iS.

Magnesia, 3S.

Magnesian gate, the, 37.

Marble, hardness of, 51.

Marcus Aurelius, 57.

Manias, the, 37.

Matthieson, Mr., on temple mortar,

Medal of Gordianus II, 73.
Mena?a, S6.
Metagenes, Si.

Mithridates, revolt in favour of, 17.
Mosaic of a Triton, discovery of, 43.
Murder in Great Theatre, 94.

Naples, coins of, 47.

Newton, Sir Charles, visit of, 29 ;

works stopped by, 64.
Nicagoras, decree referring to, 34.

Ninfi, 27.

Odeum, the, site of, 24 ; exploration
of, 29 ; remains of, 30.

Prconius, an Ephesian, 81.
Papal States, coins of, 47.
Pavement, discovery of, 44.
Pergamus, kings of, rule Ephesus, 16.
Peribolus wall of temple, discovery

of, 40.
Persia, its rule of Ephesus, 15.
Persian trouser, carving of, 52.
Philametus, 34.
Philip of Macedon, 15.
Philophron, 34.
Philostratus, quoted, 30.
Pindarus, tyrant of Ephesus, 14.
Pliny, letter of, about Christians, iS.
Ploughing, 92.
Poll-tax, the, 10S.
Portico, discovery of, 42.
Prion, Mount, 23 ; view from, 24.
Priscilla at Ephesus, 83.
Protestants, Turkish idea of, 107.
Prytaneum, the, site of, 25.

Rains, hindrance from, 47.
Randolph, Admiral, help of, 68.
Rechad Bey stops the work, 27.
Rhodes, coins of, 47.
