Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Xanthudidēs, Stephanos A.
The vaulted tombs of Mesará : an account of some early cemeteries of southern Crete — London, 1924

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The entrance trilithon made by jambs and lintel is -90 m. high and 1 m. the tomb and
wide on the inner side. No slab was found blocking the doorway, only earth, settlement
a proof that the tomb must have been opened and left open, which I think
accounts for the absence of any objects of importance.

Nor is the usual rectangular walled hollow area or vestibule preserved
except for the start of its walls next to the tomb wall, just enough to prove
its original presence. It may have been destroyed in the Venetian period,
when the Christian grave was dug, and there was a settlement and a church
on the spot.

The burial stratum was about -50 m. thick. It contained a good many
bones, which showed no marks of burning, and the blackening of the earth in
the lower part of the stratum must be due to the decomposition of organic

The overlying earth was crushed to a hard mass by the great weight of
the fallen stones, so that the bones and the few remaining objects were broken
to pieces.


X was a small, and it would seem always a poor, tomb, the tomb of a little
mountain hamlet. The few objects left in it for the excavator are the

A. Metal Objects. metal

(1) A small copper cutter, of the type usual in the Mesara tholoi, very
thin, with two rivet-holes. Length -03 m., breadth -013 m.

(2) A small one-bladed hatchet or cutter, broad at the edge but narrowing
to the handle end, which finishes in a strand of twisted wire for fastening on
the handle. Length -045 m., breadth at edge -019 m.

B. Clay Objects. clay objects

A few clay bowls and cups were found (Plate XL b).

5084. This vessel with the small deep cup attached at a lower level is
worthy of mention. Originally it had a wash inside and out, and it is not unlike
4130 from Tholos E at Koumasa (p. 44, Plate XXX).

Three other bowls with a black or red wash on both sides were found in
the tomb. There was, too, a lamp of coarse clay with an arched horizontal
handle, and two lugs or rather swellings. This shows clear marks of burning.
There were also a few miniature cups and vases.

The jug with one handle in the middle of the top row of Plate XL b was
found in a house of square plan in the settlement on Volakas. The globular
belly has black bands on the light ground. Height -15 m.