Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The yellow book: an illustrated quarterly — 3.1894

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Grahame, Kenneth: The Headswoman
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The Headswoman

"Your punctuality puts me to shame, fair mistress," he said,
" considering how unwarrantably I kept you waiting this morning,
and how I tested your patience by my ignorance and awkward-
He had changed his dress, and the lace round his neck was even
richer than before. Jeanne had always considered one of the
chief marks of a well-bred man to be a fine disregard for the
amount of his washing-bill; and then with what good taste he
referred to recent events—putting himself in the wrong, as a
gentleman should !
" Indeed, my lord," she replied modestly, " I was only too
anxious to hear from your own lips that you bore me no ill-will
for the part forced on me by circumstances in our recent interview.
Your lordship has sufficient critical good sense, I feel sure, to
distinguish between the woman and the official."
"True, Jeanne," he replied, drawing nearer; "and while I
shrink from expressing, in their fulness, all the feelings that the
woman inspires in me, I have no hesitation—for I know it will
give you pleasure—in acquainting you with the entire artistic
satisfaction with which I watched you at your task ! "
" But, indeed" said Jeanne, "you did not see me at my best.
In fact, I can't help wishing—it's ridiculous, I know, because the
thing is hardly practicable—but if I could only have carried my
performance quite through, and put the last finishing touches to
it, you would not have been judging me now by the mere
' blocking-in' of what promised to be a masterpiece ! "
Yes, I wish it could have been arranged somehow," said the
Seigneur reflectively; " but perhaps it's better as it is. I am con-
tent to let the artist remain for the present on trust, if I may only
take over, fully paid up, the woman I adore ! "
Jeanne felt strangely weak. The official seemed oozing out at