Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The yellow book: an illustrated quarterly — 9.1896

DOI Artikel:
Makower, Stanley V.: On the Art of Yvette Guilbert
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On the Art of Yvette Guilbert

By Stanley V. Makower

IN a few days Yvette Guilbert will be here once more, and all
London will be flocking to Leicester Square to secure seats at
the Empire Theatre. The chief cities of Europe and America
through which the French singer has now passed in triumphal
procession have subscribed to an almost unparalleled success with
a truly rare enthusiasm. One obscure town in Europe* is said
to have sprung into notoriety owing to an obstinate refusal to
recognise a genius to which the whole civilised world has done
honour. But this, the sole exhibition of hostility with which
the great artist has met in her wide travels, has only served to
enhance her reputation.

The extraordinary wave of enthusiasm that greets Yvette
Guilbert when she is here is only another proof that London is
the most cosmopolitan city in the world. We are constantly
having evidence of this, not the least striking being that last year
a play by a German author t was being acted at three different
London theatres at the same time in French, German, and Italian.
Nevertheless it is singular that a genius essentially French, though


* Napoli—on the western coast of Italy,
f Sudermann’s “ Die Heimath.”