Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egyptian Society [Hrsg.]; Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom [Hrsg.]; Young, Thomas [Bearb.]
Hieroglyphics (Band 1) — London, 1823

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After an interval of four years, the second number of this Collection is
ready for delivery to the Subscribers: but from the inadequacy of the means,
which have been placed at his disposal, the Treasurer feels himself justified in
suspending for the present the further continuation of the work. He is the less
disposed to regret this interruption of his labours, as he has the satisfaction to
perceive that a firm foundation has already been laid, on which the investigation
will be pursued, and he trusts that the materials, now in existence, will not be lost
to posterity, for want of some other receptacle like this collection.

The number of subscriptions not having amounted to 100, the Treasurer
thinks it right to offer to each Member of the Society a duplicate of the whole
work, which he may receive on application to Mr. Harrison, Bedford Street,
Collector to the Society.

Welbeck Street, 1st June, 1823.


Plate 1 . . 6 Hieratic Manuscript, in the possession of the Earl of Mountnorris.

7 . . 8 Part of a Frize of Basalt in the British Museum, broughtfrom Egypt by E. W. Montagu, Esq.

9 Part of a Frize found in 1709, at Rome, from Ficoroni.

10 Colossal Head in the British Museum.

11 Colossus at Luxor, Sculptures from Medinet Abou, and Statue from the Catacombs.

12 Sculpture at Karnak.

13 Theban Statues, two Scarabaei, and Inscription on the Memnon.

14 Images of Granite and of Serpentine, found at Thebes.

15 Bas Relief from Medinet Abou.

16 . . 30 Inscriptions of the Pillar of Rosetta compared.

31, 32 Parisian Manuscript of Casati.

33 Mr. Greys Antigraph.

34 Papyrus in the possession of G. F. Grey, Esq.

35 Papyrus and Coffin found by Mr. Grey.

36 Enchorial Papyrus of Mr. Salt.

37 Fragments communicated by Mr. Champollion.
Page 38 . . 40 Index to the Translations.