Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Abakanowicz, Magdalena 100,
ill. 204

Abdul-Hamid I, Turkish sultan 59
Abel 23
Abraham 2 3

Abramowicz, carpet maker active in

Jampol county 84
Absalom 2 3

Adalbert (Wojciech), St. 11,71
Adam 11,23

Afendyktowa, Lvov townswoman 57

Agafia, wife of Conrad of Mazovia 14

Ahmed III, Sultan of Turkey 67

Aleksandrowicz, J., glass decorator in
Naliboki 62

Alexander the Jagiellon, Grand Duke of
Lithuania, later King of Poland 26

Alexander VI, Pope 20

Algaier, Georg, founder active in Cra-
cow 2 1

Alkiewicz, Maria 101

Alkiewicz, Zbigniew 101

Anczyc, Wladyslaw Ludwik, Cracow
printer and publisher 92

Andriolli, Michal Elwiro, draughtsman
and illustrator 31

Andrzej, Warsaw cabinetmaker 5 5

Anglish, Jan, pottery decorator in Z61-
kiew 5 8

Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland, wife

of Sigismund III 32
Anne the Jagiellon, Queen of Poland,

wife of Stephen Bathory 26, 27,

53, til 28

Anne Catherine Constance of Vasa,

daughter of Sigismund III 6 5
Apollo 47, 89
Arp, Hans 102

Arpads, Hungarian royal house 1 3
Artz, Servace, founder active in Cracow
2 1

Aszpergerowa, Aniela ///. 160
Athena (Pallas) 42

Augustus II (the Strong) of Saxony, King
of Poland 32, 33, 34, 59, 61, 64

Augustus III of Saxony, King of Poland
31, 59, 63, 69, ill.j7

Bacchus 47

Bachmayer, decorator active in Belvedere
manufactory 5 8

Baldner, Oswald, Nuremberg founder
active in Cracow 2 1

Baldwin, Bishop of Cracow 1 2

Baraniecki, Adrian, founder of the Mu-
seum of Technology and Industry in
Cracow 73, 88

Bartos of Kazimierz, Cracow tilemaker

Bartosz, Cracow saddler 42
Baryczka, Jan, Warsaw burgher 2 1
Bebnowski, Wadtaw 90
Beckhausen, Jakob, Gdansk silversmith

Behem, Baltazar, Cracow municipal
scribe, donor of the Codex of Baltha-
sar Behem 18, 19, 32, 45, 46, /'//. /,
8, 1 0, 36

Behem, Hans, Nuremberg bellfounder

active in Cracow 2 1
Bela IV, King of Hungary 1 3
Bella, Stefano della, Italian painter and

engraver 3 5

Bellotto, Bernardo, called Canaletto,
court painter to Stanislaus Augustus
34, ill. ; 8
Beftowski, Lvov cabinetmaker 78
Bentkowski, Lvov cabinetmaker 78
Berdan, Jean, Cracow clockmaker 84
Berg, Jakub Jan, pottery decorator in

Zolkiew 5 8
Berrecci, Bartholommeo, court architect

and sculptor to Sigismund I 25
Bielihski, Franciszek, royal scribe, foun-
der of manufactory of decorative
glass 61
Bielska, Maria 93

Bielski, Marcin, author, historian 29
Bierpfaff, Johann Christian, goldsmith

active in Torun 7 1
Bigas, coach maker 46
Blake, William 79

Blanc, Charles, French theoretician of
art 8 5

Blum, decorator in Korzec 60

Blumel, Jan, owner of weaving shop in

Warsaw 84
Bocheriski, Zbigniew, historian of

art 8

Bochnak, Adam, historian of art 8
Boguslawski, Jan, architect 9 5
Boleslaus, Duke of Mazovia and Sando-
mierz 1 3

Boleslaus the Bashful, Duke of Little
Poland 1 3

Boleslaus the Bold, King of Poland 1 o

Boleslaus the Brave, King of Poland
10, 63, 64

Boleslaus the Pious, Duke of Great Po-
land 1 3

Boleslaus Wrymouth, King of Poland

Bolognetti, Alberto, papal nuncio 5 3
Bona Sforza, Queen of Poland, wife

of Sigismund I 22, 23
Borkowicz, Matiasz, Cracow goldsmith


Borkowska-Niemojewska, Krystyna 101
Borkowski, Jakub, Cracow goldsmith 49
Borsuk, Jan, carpet manufacturer 84
Borysiewicz, Jan, potter in Nieswiez 58
Bosso, Juliusz Wojciech, Cracow pewterer

Botheim, potter in Belvedere manufactory

Bottger, Johann Friedrich, German

alchemist 59
Bretislav, Duke of Bohemia 1 2
Brozek, Jan, Poznah goldsmith 49
Bruckner, Aleksander, historian of culture


Brudzewski, Karol 91, ill. 180
Bruhl, Heinrich von, Saxon minister 59
Brukalska, Barbara, architect 93, 95
Brukalski, Stanislaw, architect 93, 94
Bruzdowicz, Franciszek 90
Brzezihski, courtier of Stanislaus Augus-
tus Poniatowski 34
Brzozowski, Kazimierz 90
Buczkowski, Kazimierz, historian of
art 8

Bujakowa-Lomnicka, Maria Janina
94, 96

Bujahski, Jan, manufacturer of coaches

Bukowic, Benedykt, Cracow goldsmith

Bukowska, Helena 94

Bukowski, Jan 88, 92

Bulhakowa, Karolina 94

Buonaccorsi, Filippo (Callimachus) 21

Bursowa, Ludmila 101

Buszek, Antoni, painter 90, 92

Butelski, J. 89