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Progress of Egyptology.

already charged with, salts, and here the water would at once begin its
work of disintegration.

At any rate, we may concede that the new scheme is a vast improve-
ment on the old, as far as the temples of Philae are concerned.
None the less we must look the facts in the face. The unexpected
discoveries that take place constantly in every part of Egypt show how
much history may lie concealed under the soil which will be flooded not
only around Philae, but for some distance south of it, and again south
of Asyfit, where a subsidiary dam is to be placed. The flooded ground
will rot any papyri, coffins, mummies, and in fact all remains except
those of stone, pottery, glass, or metal. It is earnestly to be hoped that
with the influence of Lord Cromer and of Sir "William Gars tin, the
Egyptian Government will again act as it has already done at Philae,
and commission Captain Lyons to excavate and sound in every likely
spot of the districts to be submerged before the Nile is allowed to
swamp and destroy the archaeological harvest there.

In L'Ami des Monuments, 1897, M. G. Foucart has described the work
of the Egypt Exploration Fund and of the Egyptian Eesearch Account,
and pointed out the part which France might take in promoting excava-
tions in Egypt for the enrichment of her museums and the benefit of

Excavations and Explorations.

An interesting series of articles by Professor Schweiofurth, written
from personal examination of the sites, have appeared in the Vossische
Zeitung on work at Hieraconpolis, El Kab, Thebes, and Abydos. In
other localities a large amount of digging for antiquities has been done
by dealers and others. The following is a list of the excavations—
doubtless the most important—concerning which some information has
been given.

Hieraconpolis. • See above, p. 6, for an account by Professor Petrie
of the great discoveries made in excavations on behalf of the Egyptian
Eesearch Account by Mr. Quibell, assisted by Miss Pirie, and Mr.
Green, Messrs. Tylor and Somers Clarke defraying a large part of
the expenses : interesting information is given also in the Catalogue
of Exhibition of Antiquities of the E.E.F. and'E.R.A., 1898.

Thebes. In the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings M. Loret has
made discoveries of the highest importance. It was here that more
than eighty years ago Belzoni found the tomb of Sety I. Little success