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Coptic Studies.


the Melkites. The book in this way may be regarded as a counterblast
to Patriarch Macarius' recent history (cf. for example, the little Mrs.
Butcher has to say of Gbali, Mohained All's financier, with the
panegyrics of Macarius), and so popular indeed is it likely to prove, that
an Arabic translation is in preparation. It contains a great deal of
information, and the list of authorities consulted show that it results from
diligent reading, though it is noteworthy that no German writers
are cited. In the body of the work references to authorities are
unhappily never given. Every one could learn much from the book,
which is more than a mere church history; many at the same
time will discern inaccuracies in detail. Not infrequently Mrs. Butcher
introduces quite discredited anecdotes and legends without apparently
any wish to criticize their value. She is at her best when illustrating
some point from her own long experience of Egypt and the Copts (e.g.
vol. I. pp. 15, 25, 33, 126, 270). Old Egyptian names which inciden-
tally occur sometimes appear in forms scarcely satisfactory; e.g. Kneph
for Khnum (I. 33 and 42), Serapis is 'Osiris concealed' (I. 4), Girgeh
is from St. George (I. 271). As to the transcription of Arabic words,
v. The Atheiueum, 1898, I. 209. The final chapter of the book embodies
a very interesting paper by Marcus Bey Simaika upon modern social

Four years ago George Macaire (Macarius), since appointed patriarch
of the Uniate Copts, published a somewhat hysterical apology for the
existence of his sect (Hist, de Veglise co^te, Cairo, 1894). His book was
naturally polemical and one-sided, and was liberal in irony and contempt
for such " ignorant" and "insolent" Monophysite writers as were venturing
a defence of their own church. Among the latter the antagonist most
often cited is a certain " moine anonyme de Baramous " (i.e. the Nitrian
monastery of Maximus and Domitius). From what is said of him on
p. 366, it is clear that the monk in question is identical with the author
of a history of the Coptic Church, the first part of which (pp. 1—232)
appeared during the past winter.22 It is, however, improbable that the
work will be continued ; for ' the Bararuusian Monk,' as he still stylos
himself, has fallen into disgrace, and the patriarch's patronage has been
withdrawn. He is of Syrian origin, though educated in Egypt, and rose
to be director of the monastic seminary in Cairo, and then, at a com-
paratively early age, abbot of his monastery. His championship of the
Jacobite cause gained for him further the titular rank of bishop.* Hero

* In Mrs. Butcher's Story of the Church,11. 420, the hishop figures as " Siderius."
His religious name is Isidorus.
