Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Pbogbess of Egyptology.

with coloured plates and descriptions of specimens preserved in various
public and private museums in Europe and in Egypt.


Steindokfe has edited a collection of representative reviews and other
scattered articles by George Ebers, as a memorial of the Leipzig Professor
who did so much to popularize Egyptology in G-ermany. This volume,
Ebees' Aegyptische Studien und Verwandtes, is reviewed by Piehl, Sphinx
iv. 39. An obituary notice of Ebers from the pen of Prof. Erman is printed
in the Berichte d. Sachsischen Ges. d. Wits, at Leipzig, November, 1899.

C[tabas, Oeuvres Diver'ses, reviewed by Piehl, Sphinx iv. 34 ; by
Wiedemann, Or. Lilt. Zeit. ii. 337. A letter written by Cerquaut in 1871
with Ohabas' reply, on Egyptian mythology and religion, is published in
Bee. de Trav. xxi. 194.

Letter of Mertmije relating to Mariette's work at the Serapeum,
published by Capaht, liec. de Trav. xxii. 111.

Kochemonteix, long report on his mission to Upper Egypt in 187G, not
accompanied by texts : Bee. de Trav. xxi. 153.

Champollion's autograph at Beni Hasan (which is his signature to a
pious restoration of a record of the Erench occupation, not an Anglo-Saxon
cutting of initials) is published by Legrain in the Annates du Service i. 15.

In Comptes Bendus, 1900, 31, there is noticed a recent biography of
Baron de Villiers, who was one of the most active of the archaeological
savants attached to Napoleon's expedition to Egypt.

M. Hamy prints in the Comptes Bendus, 1899, 738, a notice of
J. B. Adanson (1732-1804), a Erench diplomatic interpreter in the East,
whose name is mentioned in some early books of Egyptian travel. The
tale of his sufferings and scientific endeavours is very touching. He would
be classed along with Sonnini and Benon, had not his portfolios and note •
books perished; with the exception of a few drawings preserved in the
Bibliothc-que Nationale all his work was lost.

, Br. Sethe is appointed to the Chair of Egyptology at Grottingen,'
formerly held by Heinrich Brugsch, whose successor, Professor Pietsch-
mann, is now Librarian of the Eoyal Library in G-reifswald.

The post of director of the Institut Francais at Cairo is now filled by
M. Chassinat, M. Bouriant having resigned his position owing to continued