Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Toroh-holders, clay, 211
Tordos (Daeia), mat-impressions on vases
li'om, 96

Trachyte, lamp of, 209 ; plummet of, 200 f.
Trade : with Grete, 245 f. ; with tlie maiu-

land, 24G, 253, 270 ; in obsidian, 227 f.,


Trees on Myc. wäre, 121 f.

Trench, defensive, 33

Tria Pigadia (Melos), llint qnarry at, 224

Tribulum, 224

Tripod lamp-stand l'roni Palaikastro, 210
Triton-shells, 201

Troad, mat-irnpressiona on vase from, 96
Troughs, washing, 14, 139 f.
Troy. See Hisnarlik
Trypete, 1

Tufa: forked object of, 201 ; lamp of, 211
Tusk of boar, 192

Vaphio : inlaid sword-blade with flying-fish,
72 ; knips, 209 ; gern with tree in vase,
208 ; obsidiaa arrow-headj 223
Vari, obsidian fröm ('.'), 225
Vases, marble, 195. See aho Pottery
Vent-holes, pins resulting from, in oasting,

Vurlidia (Melos), early site, 229

W'aisthiolt of male statuetles from Petsofiv,
189 ; belt and eloth of seated man in
wall-painting, 74

Wall: the Great, See Fortification ; double,
43; absenee of, in earliest Settlements,
240 f.

Wall-paintings, 17, 70 f.

Wash-hand vase ? 157

Washing-troughs, 14, 139 f.

Waste deposit, 244

Water-conduits. See Drainage

Weiglits, lead. .sVc Äddenda, 280-

Well, 20, 27, 58 ; potteiy from, 100

Wlieel ; not certainly used in geom. period,

94 ; used in Myc. period, 108
Whetstones, 199"

White designs on red or black glaze (geom.

period), 93 ; on red (Myc. period) 107 ;

white-filling, 87, 242, 249
Whorls, 192, 213
Window? 15

Woinan before altar, on eignet ring, 193 ;

woinen'e apartments in Palace, 57
Wood: used for columns, 61 ; for facing

antal 57; for facing door-jamhs? 59;

woodeu prototype of terraeotta baths,


Writing, 177 f., 254 ; unknown to late Myc.
invaders of Aegean and Crete, 271

Svpdipia, 224

ZAKKO : excavations, 238 ; potteiy, 147, 265 ;
steatife bowl, 197


V. 192, § 4, 1. I. The three snialler dises weigb respectively 1530; 470
and 190 grammes.

P, 247, 1. 11 from bottom. For 'likewise found in early Dynastie tombs'
read ' of early Dynastie type.'