Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 71.1917

DOI Heft:
No. 293 (August 1917)
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Bourdelle's Penelope, a group of works by the
great master Rodin, and works by Lenois,
Nelaton, and others. The graphic section con-
tained numerous features of interest. Special
mention must be made of the contributions of
Forain, who was here represented by a large
number of drawings, etchings, and paintings,
which attracted a large amount of attention.
His painting En Esclavage dans le Nord and the
series of drawings reproduced week by week in
" Le Figaro " are not only notable as artistic
achievements but are truly French in the irony
and spiritual force expressed in them.

In point of numbers the representation of the
Salon d'Automne was on a smaller scale than
that of the other two societies, no doubt
because a larger proportion of its members,
chiefly younger men, have responded to their
country's call. On the other hand, it was in the
contributions of this group that one observed
most variety and a greater desire for new modes
of expression. It is true that in certain cases

their leanings appeared to be somewhat equi-
vocal, though perhaps time and experience
may turn their footsteps into the right path.
Among prominent paintings in this collection
were those of Henri Dezire, and especially
the one entitled L' Age d'Or, pervaded by a
fine decorative feeling. D'Espagnat attracted
much attention by his vivacious colour and
graceful models in Marthe et Josette, Jaulmes by
his decorative friezes, Albert Marquet by his
Place du Carrousel, executed with charming
simplicity, which evoked much appreciation,
and the celebrated cartoonist Steinlen by a
beautiful pictorial composition, Ruth et Boaz.
Other works which call for note are Maurice
Taquoy's Le Gros Nuage, and Eduard Vieillard's
Le Square Berlioz.

In addition to these collections representing
the three Salons, the exhibition comprised an
important section of Decorative Art, containing
excellent examples of work by the leading
artist-craftsmen of France. The exhibition as a