HE R E is certainly no
‘Place in the W<or Id where
a Man may Travel with
greater Tleafure and Ad-
vantage than in Italy.
One finds fomething more particu-
lar in the Face os the Country, and
more asloni/hing in the Works of
Nature^ than can be met with in
any other Tart of Europe. It is
the great School of Musick and
Tainting) and contains in it all the
nobleft Productions os Statuary and
Architecture both Ancient and Mo-
dern. It abounds with Cabinets os
Curiofitiesy and wast Collections os
all Kinds of Antiquities. No o-
ther Country in the W<wld has fuch
a Variety of Governments, that
are fo disserent in their Constitu-
tions, and fo resined in their Po-