Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Xuj Fribourg, Bern, Soleurre,
ltedi> Zurich? St. Gaul,
ot G».
/tuj Lindaw, &c.
Sion of 4
10n8 P®i Geneva I travelled to
°Ut 1Laujanne, and thence to Fri-
retend ho» ||j bgurg, which is but a mean
hem, andk Town for the Capital of so
;ain toop large a Canton: Its Situati-
on is so irregular, that they are forced
to climb up to sevcral Parts of it by
Stair-Cases of a prodigious Ascent. This
J Inconvenience however gives them ave-
rY great Commodity in case a Fire breaks
siW out in any Part of the Town, for by
law reason of sevcral Reservoirs on the Tops
Cr ’ of these Mountains, by the opening of
<Irn a Sluce they convey a River into what
I Part of the Town they please. They
n have Four Churches, Four Convents of
F . Women, and as many for Men. The
i little Chappel, called the Salutation, is
very neat, and built with a pretty Fancy.
> The College of Jesuits is, they say, the
finest in Switzerland. There is a great
t.:. . R i deal