Monaco^ Genoa, &c.
We were here Ihown at a distance the
Desarts, which have been rendered so fa-
mous by the Penance of Mary Magdalene,
■who, after her Arrival with Lazarus and
ssjofleph of drimathea at Marfeilles, is said
to have wept away the rest of her Xife
among these solitary Rocks and Moun-
tains. It is so Romantic a Scene, that it
has always probably given occalion to
such Chimerical Relations; for it is per-
haps of this Place that Claudian speaks,
in the following Deseription.
EJi locus extremum pandit qua Gallia Uttus
Oceani pratentus aquis, qua fertur Ulyfles
Sanguine libato populum. moviJJJe Silent dm,
Illic Umbrarum tenui Jiridore volantum
Flebilis auditur quejius; fimulachra coloni
Pallida defunstasque vident migrate figu-
rast &c. Cl. In. Ruf. L. i.
A Place there Jjcs on Gallia's, utmofi
Where riling Seas insult the Fontier
Ulyfles here the Blood of Victims (lied,
And rais’d the pale Assembly of the Dead:
Oft in the Winds is heard a plaintive
Of melancholy Ghosts, that hover round;
sbe hb’ring P
■ rorspies
Thin airy Si-
rovs rise,
dreadful Sa
his Eyes.
Ihow tier
Voyage os L
the Mediterra:
to the great 0
it to a World t
tho’ hi$ C.r
m generally
We were here Ihown at a distance the
Desarts, which have been rendered so fa-
mous by the Penance of Mary Magdalene,
■who, after her Arrival with Lazarus and
ssjofleph of drimathea at Marfeilles, is said
to have wept away the rest of her Xife
among these solitary Rocks and Moun-
tains. It is so Romantic a Scene, that it
has always probably given occalion to
such Chimerical Relations; for it is per-
haps of this Place that Claudian speaks,
in the following Deseription.
EJi locus extremum pandit qua Gallia Uttus
Oceani pratentus aquis, qua fertur Ulyfles
Sanguine libato populum. moviJJJe Silent dm,
Illic Umbrarum tenui Jiridore volantum
Flebilis auditur quejius; fimulachra coloni
Pallida defunstasque vident migrate figu-
rast &c. Cl. In. Ruf. L. i.
A Place there Jjcs on Gallia's, utmofi
Where riling Seas insult the Fontier
Ulyfles here the Blood of Victims (lied,
And rais’d the pale Assembly of the Dead:
Oft in the Winds is heard a plaintive
Of melancholy Ghosts, that hover round;
sbe hb’ring P
■ rorspies
Thin airy Si-
rovs rise,
dreadful Sa
his Eyes.
Ihow tier
Voyage os L
the Mediterra:
to the great 0
it to a World t
tho’ hi$ C.r
m generally