14 Pavia? Milan? &c.
worn out, who could contradid a pre-
mity of the Saint. One would wonder
that Roman Catholicks, who are for this
kind of Worship, do not generally ad-
dress themselves to the Holy Apostles,
who have a more unquestionable Right
not pay its Devotions, in a more particu-
lar manner, to some one of their own
zations. When I was at Milan I saw a
Book newly published, that was Dedica-
and supported by huge Figures of the
same Metal. The Hitlory of our Savi-
our, or rather of the Blessed Virgin,
for it begins with her Birth, and ends
with her Coronation in Heaven, that of
' Pavh
dir Saviour co
j finely cut in
Hiis Church t
which rtii! up i
aid Mm.:
a Fragment of
is indeed there
of Relicks in he
Ms to count u
Gold, and Pri
ffliss’d togethe
Churches of M.
Mibn there are
«n, Eighty ol
W Churchy
worn out, who could contradid a pre-
mity of the Saint. One would wonder
that Roman Catholicks, who are for this
kind of Worship, do not generally ad-
dress themselves to the Holy Apostles,
who have a more unquestionable Right
not pay its Devotions, in a more particu-
lar manner, to some one of their own
zations. When I was at Milan I saw a
Book newly published, that was Dedica-
and supported by huge Figures of the
same Metal. The Hitlory of our Savi-
our, or rather of the Blessed Virgin,
for it begins with her Birth, and ends
with her Coronation in Heaven, that of
' Pavh
dir Saviour co
j finely cut in
Hiis Church t
which rtii! up i
aid Mm.:
a Fragment of
is indeed there
of Relicks in he
Ms to count u
Gold, and Pri
ffliss’d togethe
Churches of M.
Mibn there are
«n, Eighty ol
W Churchy