Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
i,6 tPawia, Milan, &c.
pick’d Splinters of Wood out of the
Gates for Relicks. There is a little Chap-
pel lately Te-edify’d, where the same
Saint baptis’d St. Auftm. An Inscription
upon the Wall of it says, that it was in
this Chappel, and on thisOccasion, that
he first sung his 7c Deum, and that his
great Convert answered him Verse by
Verse. In one of the Churches I saw
a Pulpit and Confessional, very finely In-
laid with Lapis-Lazuli, and several kinds
of Marble, by a Father of the Convent.
It is very lucky for a Religious, who has
so much Time on his Hands, to be
able to amuse himself with Works of
this Natureand one often finds parti-
cular Members of Convents, who have
excellent Mechanical Genius’s, and di-
vert themselves, at leisure Hours, with
Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Gar-
dening, and several kinds of Handy-
Crafts. Since I have mention’d Con-
fessionals, I ihall set down here some In-
scriptions that I have seen over them in
tRowww-Catholick Countries, which are
all Texts of Scripture, and regard either
the Penitent or the Father, Abi, Often-
de Le ad Sacerdotem-Ne taceat pupil-
la oculi ‘Lui-—.—.Ibo ad patrem meum
dicam, Pater peccavu-Soluta eruntin
Coelis-^» ■‘Redi Anima mea in Requiem
X tuam

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pdiimm. Isa
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Supremacy. J
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