Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
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ePa’viay Milan> Sec. tlJ
tuam-Vadey & ne deinceps pecca——‘
Quivos audits me audit-Venitt ad me
omnes qui fatigati eftis & onerati-Cor-
ripiet me juftus in mifer icon did———Vide
ft via Iniquitatis in me efi, & deduc me in
vid deter nd-Ut audiret gemitus com-
peditorum. I saw the Ambrojian Library,
where, to (how the Italian Genius, they
have spent more Money on Pidures than
on Books. Among the Heads of several
learned Men I met with no Englijhman^
except Bishop Fi/her, whom Henry the
Eighth put to Death for not owning his
Supremacy. Books are indeed the least
part of the Furniture that one ordinarily
goes to see in an Italian Library, which
they generally set off with Pidures, Sta-
tues, and other Ornaments, where they
can afford them, after the Example of
the old Greeks and Romans.
-,-Plena omnia gypso
Chryfippi invenias: nam perfeSlissimus horunt
Si quis Aristotelem fimilem vel Pitt aeon emit^
Et jubet archetypos pluteum fervare Clean-
thas. Juv. S. x.
Who makes his Study finest, is most read ;
The Dolt that with an Hrijlotle's Head,
C x Carv’d