Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Brefcia^ Verona^ ‘Padua.
u It is from God, my beloved Fish,
£c that you have received Being, Life,
“ Motion and Sense. It is he that has
£c given you, in Compliance with your
£c natural Inclinations, the whole World
£c of Waters for your Habitation, It is
“ he that has furniihed it with Lodgings,
£C Chambers, Caverns, Grottoes, and
“ such magnificent Retirements as are not
“ to be met with in the Seats of Kings,
£C or in the Palaces ofPrinces: You have
“ the Water for your Dwelling, a clear
cc transparent Element, brighter than
£c Chrystalj you can see from its deepest
“ Bottom every thing that passes on its
£t Surfaces you have the Eyes of a Lynx^
<c or of an Argus ; you are guided by a
£‘ secret and unerring Principle, delight-
£C ing in every thing that may be bene-
“ ficial to you, and avoiding every thing
£t that may be hurtful; you are carried
“ on by a hidden Instinft to preserve
£C your selves, and to propagate your
£C Species; you obey, in all your Adi-
££ ons, Works and Motions, the Di-
£c states and Suggestions of Nature,
tc without theleast Repugnancy or Con-
“ tradition.
“ The Colds of Winter, and the
£C Heats of Summer, are equally inca-
“ pable of molesting you. A Serene or
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