Brefcia^ Verona^ Padua.
Bnglifh have not only gained upon the
Venetians in the Levant) which used
chiessy to be supplyed from this Manu-
facture, but have great Quantities of
their Cloth in Venice it Self; few of the
Nobility wearing any other sort, not-
withstanding the Magistrate of the
Pomps is obliged by his Office to see
that no Body wears the Cloth of aFor-
reign Country. Our Merchants indeed
are forced to make use of some Artifice
to get these Prohibited Goods into Port.
What they here Show for the Allies of
Livy and Antenor is disregarded by the
belt of their own Antiquaries.
The pretended Tomb of Antenor put
me in Mind of the latter part of Vir-
gil's Description, which gives us the O-
riginal of Padua.
Antenor potuit medils elapfus Achivis
Illyricos penetrare Jinus, atque intimA
- per ora novem vafto cum murmure
It mare pr ar upturn) pelago premit arva
fonanti 5
Hie tamen Hie urbem Patari) fedefyue loca r 7
Bnglifh have not only gained upon the
Venetians in the Levant) which used
chiessy to be supplyed from this Manu-
facture, but have great Quantities of
their Cloth in Venice it Self; few of the
Nobility wearing any other sort, not-
withstanding the Magistrate of the
Pomps is obliged by his Office to see
that no Body wears the Cloth of aFor-
reign Country. Our Merchants indeed
are forced to make use of some Artifice
to get these Prohibited Goods into Port.
What they here Show for the Allies of
Livy and Antenor is disregarded by the
belt of their own Antiquaries.
The pretended Tomb of Antenor put
me in Mind of the latter part of Vir-
gil's Description, which gives us the O-
riginal of Padua.
Antenor potuit medils elapfus Achivis
Illyricos penetrare Jinus, atque intimA
- per ora novem vafto cum murmure
It mare pr ar upturn) pelago premit arva
fonanti 5
Hie tamen Hie urbem Patari) fedefyue loca r 7