Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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by Land or Water. This is a very great
Convenience to the Inhabitants 5 for a
Gondola with Two Oars at Eenice^ is as
with a large Equipage, in another Coun-
try} besides that it makes all Carriages
extreamly cheap. The Streets are gene-
rally Paved with Brick or Free-done,
and always kept very neat, for there is
no Carriage, not so much as a Chair,
that passes thro’ them. There is an in-
numerable Multitude of very handsome
.Bridges, all of a Angle Arch, and with-
out any Fence on either side, which
would be a great Inconvenience to a
City less sober than Eenice. One would
indeed wonder that Drinking is so little
in Vogue among the Venetians, who are
in a moist Air and a moderate Climate,
and have no such Diversions as Bowling,
Hunting, Walking, Riding, and the
like Exercises to employ them without
Doors. But as the Nobles are not to
Converse too much with Strangers, they
are in no Danger of learning it 5 and
they are generally too distrustful of one
another for the Freedoms that are used
in such kind of Conversations. There
are many Noble Palaces in Eenice. Their
Furniture is not commonly very Rich,
■' except the Pictures, which are