§4 Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimini.
Hefperiamqae exhaurit aquis, hunt fabula
Populea fluvium ripas umbr&JJe corona:
Cumque diem pronum tran/verfo limits du-
Succendit Phaeton flagrantibus athera loris 5
Gurgitibus rapt is, penitus tellure per lift d,
Hunc habuiffe pares Phoebeis ignibus undas.
L. 1.
The Po, that rushing with uncommon
O’er-sets whole Woods, in its tumultu-
ous Course,
And riling from Hefperia's watry Veins,
Th’ exhausted Land of all its Moisture
The Po, as tings the Fable, first convey’d
Its wond’ring Current through a Pop-
lar Shade:
For when young Phaeton mistook his way,
Lost and confounded in the Blaze of Day,,
This River, with surviving Streams sup-
When all the rest of the whole Earth
were dry’d,
And Nature’s self lay ready to expire,
Quench’d the dire Flame that set the
World on Fire.,
The Pot Vs Ressections follow.
Hefperiamqae exhaurit aquis, hunt fabula
Populea fluvium ripas umbr&JJe corona:
Cumque diem pronum tran/verfo limits du-
Succendit Phaeton flagrantibus athera loris 5
Gurgitibus rapt is, penitus tellure per lift d,
Hunc habuiffe pares Phoebeis ignibus undas.
L. 1.
The Po, that rushing with uncommon
O’er-sets whole Woods, in its tumultu-
ous Course,
And riling from Hefperia's watry Veins,
Th’ exhausted Land of all its Moisture
The Po, as tings the Fable, first convey’d
Its wond’ring Current through a Pop-
lar Shade:
For when young Phaeton mistook his way,
Lost and confounded in the Blaze of Day,,
This River, with surviving Streams sup-
When all the rest of the whole Earth
were dry’d,
And Nature’s self lay ready to expire,
Quench’d the dire Flame that set the
World on Fire.,
The Pot Vs Ressections follow.