Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimini. 93
Dove is represented in the Window, and
in several Places of the Church, and is
in great Reputation all over Italy. I Ihould
not indeed think it impossible for a Pi-
geon to ssy in accidentally thro’ the Roof,
where they itill keep the Hole open,
and by its ssuttering over such a parti-
cular Place, to give so superstitious
an Assembly an Occasion of favouring a
Competitor, especially if he had many
Friends among the Electors that would
make a politick Use of such an Acci-
dent : But they pretend the Miracle has
happened more than once. Among the
Pictures of several famous Men of their
Order, there is one with this Inscripti-
on. P. D. Fhomas Gouldvellus Ep.
Frid™ concilia contra Hcereticos, & in bin-
glia contra Elifabet. Fidei ConseJJor confpi-
caas. The Statue of Alexander the Se-
venth Hands in the large Square of the
Town j it is call in Brass, and has the
Pollute that is always given the Figure
of a Pope j an Arm extended, and bles-
sing the People. In another Square on
a high Pillar is set the Statue of thebles-
sed Virgin, arrayed like a Queen, with
a Scepter in her Hand, and a Crown up-
on her Head j for having delivered the
Town from a raging Pestilence. The
Custom of Crowning the Holy Virgin