Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
io6 The Republick, &.Q..
tin Book in Folio, Entituled, Staint a II-
luftrijjima Reipublica Sanbti Marini, Print-
ed at Rimini by Order of the Common-
wealth. The Chapter on the publick
Ministers says, that when an Ambassa-
dor is dispatch’d from the Republick to
any Foreign State he (hall be allow’d,
cut of the Treasury, to the Value of a
Shilling a Day. ThePeople areesteem’d
very honest and rigorous in the Execu-
tion of Justice, and seem to live more
happy and contented among their Rocks
and Snows, than others of the Italians
do in the pleasantest Vallies of the
World. Nothing indeed can be a
greater Instance of the natural Love
that Mankind has for Liberty, and of
their Aversion to an Arbitrary Govern-
ment, than such a Savage Mountain co-
ver’d with People, and the Campania of
Rome, which lyes in the same Country,
almost destitute of Inhabitants.