AticonatLoretto^c. to Rome, m
The Riches in the Holy House and
Treasury are surprizingly great, and as
much surpass’d my Expe&ation as other
Sights have generally fallen short of it.
Silver can scarce find an Admission, and
Gold it self looks but poorly among such
an incredible number of precious Stones.
There will be, in a few Ages more,’the
Jewels of the greatest Value in Europe^
if the Devotion of its Princes continues
in its present Fervour. The last Offer-
ing was made by the Queen Dowager
of Poland^ and cost her 18000 Crowns.
Some have wonder’d that the 'Turk, ne-
ver attacks this Treasury, since it lyes
lb near the Sea-shore, and is so weakly
guarded. But besides that he has at-
tempted it formerly with no Success, it
is certain the Venetians keep too watch-
ful an Eye over his Motions at presenr,
Adriatic. It would indeed be an easie
thing for a Christian Prince to surprize
it, who has Ships still passing to and fro
without Suspicion, especially if he had
a Party in the Town, disguis’d like Pil-
grims, to secure a Gate for him 5 for
there have been sometimes to the Num-
ber of 1 ooooo in a Day’s time, as it is
generally reported. But ’tis probable
the Veneration for the Holy House, and
The Riches in the Holy House and
Treasury are surprizingly great, and as
much surpass’d my Expe&ation as other
Sights have generally fallen short of it.
Silver can scarce find an Admission, and
Gold it self looks but poorly among such
an incredible number of precious Stones.
There will be, in a few Ages more,’the
Jewels of the greatest Value in Europe^
if the Devotion of its Princes continues
in its present Fervour. The last Offer-
ing was made by the Queen Dowager
of Poland^ and cost her 18000 Crowns.
Some have wonder’d that the 'Turk, ne-
ver attacks this Treasury, since it lyes
lb near the Sea-shore, and is so weakly
guarded. But besides that he has at-
tempted it formerly with no Success, it
is certain the Venetians keep too watch-
ful an Eye over his Motions at presenr,
Adriatic. It would indeed be an easie
thing for a Christian Prince to surprize
it, who has Ships still passing to and fro
without Suspicion, especially if he had
a Party in the Town, disguis’d like Pil-
grims, to secure a Gate for him 5 for
there have been sometimes to the Num-
ber of 1 ooooo in a Day’s time, as it is
generally reported. But ’tis probable
the Veneration for the Holy House, and