Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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drink of it. The Inhabitants of that
Country have still the same Opinion of
it, as I found upon Enquiry, arid have
a great many Oxen of a whitish Colour
to confirm ’em in it. It is probable this
Breed was first settled in the Country,
and continuing still the same Species,
has made the Inhabitants impute it to a
wrong Cause ; tho’ they may as well
fancy their Hogs turn black for some
Reason of the same Nature, because there
are none in Italy of any other Breed.
The River Clitumnus, and Mevania that
slood on the Banks of it, are famous for
the Herds of Vi&ims with which they
furnish’d all Italy.
Qua sormofla fuo Clitummis flum'M luco
Integit, (ss Niveos abluit unda bones.
Prop. L. 2.
Hine Albi Clitumne greges, & maxima
Plttima, Jape tuo persuss ssumine facro
Romanos ad Templet Dei’.m duxere lriitn>
phos. Geor. x.Virg.
There ssows Clitumnus through the
ssow’ry Plain;
Whose Waves, for Triumphs after pro-
sp’rous War,
The Viflim Ox, and Snowy Sheep pre-