Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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near the City of Naples. 167
About Five Miles from the Grotto
of Paujilypo lye the Remains of Puteoli
and Baja, in a soft Air and a delicious
The Country about ’em, by reason of
its vasl Caverns and Subterraneous Fires,
has been miserably torn in Pieces by
Earthquakes, so that the whole Face of
it is quite chang’d from what it was for-
merly. The Sea has overwhelm’d a
Multitude of Palaces, which may be seen
at the Bottom of the Water in a calm
The Lucrine Lake is but a Puddle in
Comparison of what it once was, its
Springs having been sunk in an Earth-
quake, or Hopp’d up by Mountains that
have fallen upon ’em. The Lake of A-
•vernus, formerly so famous for its Steams
of Poison, is now plentifully slock’d with
Fish and Fowl. Mount Gaurus^ from
one of the fruitfullest Parts in Italyis
become one of the moil barren. Seve-
ral Fields, which were laid out in beau-
tiful Groves and Gardens, are now na-
ked Plains, smoaking with Sulphur, or
encumber’d with, Hills that have been
thrown up by Eruptions of Fire. The
Works of Art lye in no lefs Disorder
than those of Nature, for that which
was once the mosl Beautiful Spot of Z-