Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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near the City os Naples. 171
It is probable this might have been
the Posture of the Statue, which in all
likelihood does not lye far from the Place
where they took up the Pedestal; for
they say there were other great Pieces
of Marble near it, and several of ’em In-
scrib’d, but that no Body would be at
the Charges of bringing them to light.
The Pedestal it sclf lay neglected in an
open Field when I saw it. I (hall not
be particular on the Ruins of the Am-
phitheater, the ancient Reservoirs of
Water, the Sibyl's Grotto, the Centum
Camera, the Sepulchre of Agrippina, Neg-
ro's Mother, with several other Anti-
quities of less Note, that lye in the
Neighbourhood of this Bay, and have
been often describ’d by many others. I
must confess, after having survey’d the
Antiquities about Naples and Rome^ I
cannot but think that our Admiration of
’em does not so much arise out os their
Greatness as Uncommonness.
There are indeed many extraordinary
Ruins, but I believe a Traveller would
not be so much astoniih’d at ’em, did he
find any Works of the same kind in his
own Country. Amphitheatres, Trium-
phal Arches, Baths, Grotto’s, Cata-
combs, Rotunda’s, Highways pav’d for
so great a Length, Bridges of such an
I z amazing