near the City of Naples. 173
without doubt, as soon as the Corps
was laid in it. For at the Mputh of the
Nitch one always finds the Rock cut in-
to little Channels, to fallen the Board
or Marble that was to close it up, and I
think I did not see one which had not
stillsome Mortar slicking in it. Insorne
I found pieces of Tiles that exaftly tal-
ly’d with the Channel, and in others a
little Wall of Bricks, that sometimes
slopp’d up above a quarter of the Nitch,
rest having been broken down. St.
Proc ulus' s Sepulchre seems to have a kind
of Mosaic Work on its Covering, for I
observ’d at one End of it several little
Pieces of Marble rang’d together after
that manner. ’Tis probable they were
adorn’d, more or less, according to the
Quality of the Dead. One would in-
Nitches unslopp’d, and I can’t imagine
any Body should take the Pains to do
it, who was not in Quest of some sup-
pos’d Treasure.
Baja was the Winter Retreat of the
old Romans, that being the proper Sea-
son to enjoy the Bajani Soles, and the
Mollis Lucrinus as on the contrary,
7‘ufculum, Prenajle, Alba, Caje-
ta, Mons Circeius, Anxur, and the like
airy Mountains and Promontories were
I j their
without doubt, as soon as the Corps
was laid in it. For at the Mputh of the
Nitch one always finds the Rock cut in-
to little Channels, to fallen the Board
or Marble that was to close it up, and I
think I did not see one which had not
stillsome Mortar slicking in it. Insorne
I found pieces of Tiles that exaftly tal-
ly’d with the Channel, and in others a
little Wall of Bricks, that sometimes
slopp’d up above a quarter of the Nitch,
rest having been broken down. St.
Proc ulus' s Sepulchre seems to have a kind
of Mosaic Work on its Covering, for I
observ’d at one End of it several little
Pieces of Marble rang’d together after
that manner. ’Tis probable they were
adorn’d, more or less, according to the
Quality of the Dead. One would in-
Nitches unslopp’d, and I can’t imagine
any Body should take the Pains to do
it, who was not in Quest of some sup-
pos’d Treasure.
Baja was the Winter Retreat of the
old Romans, that being the proper Sea-
son to enjoy the Bajani Soles, and the
Mollis Lucrinus as on the contrary,
7‘ufculum, Prenajle, Alba, Caje-
ta, Mons Circeius, Anxur, and the like
airy Mountains and Promontories were
I j their