1Antiquities andCuriosities
quite, gqnpe. A; Torch, .Snuff and all,
goes, out in a Moment when dipp’d in-
to the Vapour. . A Pistol cannot take Fire
in it. I split a Reed, and laid in the
Channel of it a Train of Gun-powder,
sq that one; End of the Reed was above
the Vapour, and the other at the Bot-
tom of it 5 and I found, tho’ the Steam
was strong enough to hinder a Pistol
from taking Fire in it, and to quench a
lighted Torch, that it could not inter-
cept the Train of Fire w hen it had once
begun Flaihing, nor hinder it from run-
ning to the very End. This Experiment
I repeated twice or thrice, to see if I
could quite disspate the Vapour, which
I did in so great a measure, that one
might easily let off a Pistol in it. I ob-
serv’d how long a Dog was in Expiring
the first time, and after his Recovery,
and found no sensible difference. A Vi-
per bore it Nine Minutes the first time
we put it in, and Ten the Second. When
we brought it out after the first Trial,
it took such a vast quantity of Air into
its Lungs, that it swell’d almost twice
as big as before 5 and it was perhaps on
this Stock of Air that it liv’d a Minute
longer the second time. Doctor Connor
made a Discourse in one of the Acade-
mics at Rome upon the Subject of this
quite, gqnpe. A; Torch, .Snuff and all,
goes, out in a Moment when dipp’d in-
to the Vapour. . A Pistol cannot take Fire
in it. I split a Reed, and laid in the
Channel of it a Train of Gun-powder,
sq that one; End of the Reed was above
the Vapour, and the other at the Bot-
tom of it 5 and I found, tho’ the Steam
was strong enough to hinder a Pistol
from taking Fire in it, and to quench a
lighted Torch, that it could not inter-
cept the Train of Fire w hen it had once
begun Flaihing, nor hinder it from run-
ning to the very End. This Experiment
I repeated twice or thrice, to see if I
could quite disspate the Vapour, which
I did in so great a measure, that one
might easily let off a Pistol in it. I ob-
serv’d how long a Dog was in Expiring
the first time, and after his Recovery,
and found no sensible difference. A Vi-
per bore it Nine Minutes the first time
we put it in, and Ten the Second. When
we brought it out after the first Trial,
it took such a vast quantity of Air into
its Lungs, that it swell’d almost twice
as big as before 5 and it was perhaps on
this Stock of Air that it liv’d a Minute
longer the second time. Doctor Connor
made a Discourse in one of the Acade-
mics at Rome upon the Subject of this