Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
184 Antiquities and Curio/ities
quite change the present Face of
This whole Mountain, fliaped like a
Sugar-loaf, has been made at several
times, by the prodigious Quantities of
Earth and Cinders, which have been
ssung up out of the Mouth that lyes in
the midst of them, so that it encreases in
Bulk at every Eruption, the Aflies still
falling down the Sides of it, like the
Sand in an Hour-Glass. A Gentleman
of Naples told me, that in his Memo-
ry it had gain’d Twenty Foot in Thick-
ness, and I question not but in length os
time it will cover the whole Plain, and
make one Mountain with that on which
it now stands.
In those Parts of the Sea, that are not
far from the Roots of this Mountain,
they find sometimes a very fragrant Oil,
which is sold dear, and makes a rich Per-
fume. The Surface of the Sea is, for a
little Space, cover’d with its Bubbles
during the time that it rises, which they,
skim off into their Boats, and afterwards
set a separating in Pots'and Jars. They
lay its Sources never run but in a calm-
warm Weather. The Agitations of the
Water perhaps hinder them from dis-
covering it at other times.