Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
near the-City of‘Naples. 185
Among the Natural Curiosities of Na-
ples, I cannot forbear mentioning their
manner of furnishing the Town with
Snow, which they here use instead os
Ice, because, as they say, it cools or
congeals any Liquor sooner. There is
a great Quantity of it consom’d yearly,
for they drink very few Liquors, not
so much as Water, that have not lain
in Frefco, and every Body, from the
highest to the lowest, makes use of it j
insomuch that a Scarcity of Snow would
raise a Mutiny at Naples, as much as a
Dearth of Corn or Provisions in another
Country. To prevent this the King
has sold the Monopoly of it to certain
Persons, who are oblig’d to fornisli the
City with it all the Year at so much
the Pound. They have a high M vra-
tain at about Eighteen Miles f n the
Town, which has several Pits d mto
it. Here they employ many poor Peo-
ple at such a Season of the Year to roll
in vast Balls of Snow, which they ram
together, and cover from the Sun-shine.
Out of these Reservoirs os Snow they
cut several Lumps, as they have occasi-
on for them, and send them on Asses to
the Sea-side, where they are carry ’doff
in Boats,and distributed to several Shops
at a settled Price, that from time to time