Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
£94 The IJle os Caprea.
not been Roof’d with either Vaults or
Arches. The Rooms I am mentioning
hand deep in the Earth, and have no-
thing like Windows or Chimnies, which
makes me think they were formerly ei-
ther Bathing Places or Reservoirs of
Water. An old Hermit lives at present
among the Ruins of this Palace, who
lost his Companion a few Years ago by
a Fall from the Precipice. He told me
they had often found Medals and Pipes
of Lead, as they dug among the Rub-
bifli, and that not many Years ago they
discover’d a pav’d Road running under
Ground, from the Top of the Moun-
tain to the Sea-side, which was after-
wards confirm’d to me by a Gentleman
of the Issand. There is a very noble
Prospedt from this Place. On the one
side lyes a vast Extent of Seas, that runs
abroad further than the Eye can reach.
Just opposite stands the Green Promon-
tory of Surrentum^ and on the other side
the whole Circuit of the Bay of Naples.
This Prospcct, according to Tacitus^
was more agreeable before the burning
of Vefiuvio 5 that Mountain probably,
which after the first Eruption look’d
like a great Pile of Ashes, was in ‘Tibe-
rius’s T ime (haded with W oods and \
yards j for I think Martial's Epigram