Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
The IJle tffCaprea. xoi
lum rauca assiduo longb fate fax a fona-
bant. ^En.
Glides by the Syren's Cliffs,a fiielfy Coast,
Long infamous for Ships and Sailors
And white with Bones : Th’ impetuous
Ocean roars,
And Rocks rebellow from the sounding
Shores. Dryden.
I have before said that they often find
Medals in this Issand. Many of those
they call the Sfintri<ey which Aretin has
copy’d, have been, dug up here. I know
none of the Antiquaries that have writ-
ten on this Subject, and find nothing sa-
tisfa&ory of it where I thought it most
likely to be met with, in Patirfs Edi-
tion of Suetonius.- illustrated by Medals.
Those I have convers’d with about it,,
are of Opinion they were made to ridi-
cule the Brutality of Tiberius^ tho’ I
cannot but believe they were stamp’d by
his Order. They are unquestionably An-
tique, and no bigger than Medals of the:
Third Magnitude. They bear on one
Side some lewd Invention of that Hel-
lish Society which Suetonius calls Mon-
ftroji concubitus repertores^ and.on the o-
ther the Number of the Medal. I have
seen of ’em as hig h as to Twenty. I can’t.
K y think.