Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm
^04 The IJle tf/Caprea/
appears i" icveral of his Sayings that are
L on Record, one may very well
beL’-v this Coin was of his own Inven-
tion. We may be sure, if Raillery had
■once enter’d the old Roman Coins, we
Ihould have been over-slock’d with Me-
dals of that Nature 5 if we consider
there were often Rival Emperors pro-
claim’d at the same time, who endea-
vour’d at the lessening of each others
Character, and that moil of ’em were
Succeeded by such as were Enemies to
their Predecessbr. These Medals of Ti-
berius were never current Mony, but ra-
ther of the Nature of Medalions, which
seem to have been made on purpose to
perpetuate the Discoveries of that infa-
mous Society. Suetonius tells us, that
their monslrous Inventions were Regi-
Iler’d several ways, and preserv’d in the
Emperor’s private Apartments. Cubicu-
la plurisariam dispojita tabellis ac Sigillis
lascivissimarrum pitturarum & sigurarum
adornavit^ librifaue Elephantidis inftrux-
it: ne cui in Qperd edendd exemplar im-
petrata Schema deesset. The Elephantis
here mention’d is probably the some Mar-
tial takes notice of for her Book of Po-
