zzo- From Naples to
Induerat Circe in vultus ac terga sera-
6)u<e ne monstra pii paterentur talia Troes
I) el at i in port us neu lit tor a dir a fubi-
Neptunus ventis implevit vela secun-
vexit. JEn. L.7.
’ Now, when the Prince her Fun’ral Rites
had paid,
He plow’d the Tyrrhene. Seas with Sails
From Land a gentle Breeze arose, by \
Night /
Serenely (hone the Stars, the Moonl
was bright, C
And the Sea trembled with her SilverX
Light. J
Now near the Shelves of Circds Shores
they run,
(Circe the rich, the Daughter of the
A dang’rous Coast: The Goddesi waltes
her Days
In joyous Songs, the Rocks, resound
her Lays:
In Spinning, or the Loom, she spends
her Night,
And Cedar Brands supply her Father’s
Light. From
Induerat Circe in vultus ac terga sera-
6)u<e ne monstra pii paterentur talia Troes
I) el at i in port us neu lit tor a dir a fubi-
Neptunus ventis implevit vela secun-
vexit. JEn. L.7.
’ Now, when the Prince her Fun’ral Rites
had paid,
He plow’d the Tyrrhene. Seas with Sails
From Land a gentle Breeze arose, by \
Night /
Serenely (hone the Stars, the Moonl
was bright, C
And the Sea trembled with her SilverX
Light. J
Now near the Shelves of Circds Shores
they run,
(Circe the rich, the Daughter of the
A dang’rous Coast: The Goddesi waltes
her Days
In joyous Songs, the Rocks, resound
her Lays:
In Spinning, or the Loom, she spends
her Night,
And Cedar Brands supply her Father’s
Light. From