Rome, by Sea. xi ?
i ?ig of this Port must have co st prodigious
Sums of Mony, we find no Medal of it,
and yet the same Emperor has a Medal
brack in his own Name for the Port of
Oftia, which in Reality was a Work of
his Predecess'or Claudius. The last Pope
was at considerable Charges to make a
little kind of Harbour in this Place^ and
to convey fresh Water to it, which was
one of the Artifices of the Grand Duke,
to divert his Holiness from his Project
. of making Civita-vecchia, a sree Port.
There lyes between Antium and Nettu-
no a. Cardinal’s Villa^ which is one of
the pleasanteft sor Walks, Fountains,
Shades, and- Prospedts that I ever saw.
Antium was formerly famous for the
Temple of Fortune that stood in it. All
agree there were T wo Fortunes worihip-
ped here,which ‘Suetonius calls the Fortuna
Antiatcs, and Martial the Sorores Antii.
Some are of Opinion, that by these Two
Goddesses were meant the Two Nemefes
one of which rewarded good Men, as.
the other punish’d the wicked. Fabretti
and others are apt to believe,
the Two Fortunes were only meant in
general the Goddess who sent Prosperity,
or flie who sent Affli&ions to Mankind,
and produce in their Behalf an ancient
L 4 Monument:
i ?ig of this Port must have co st prodigious
Sums of Mony, we find no Medal of it,
and yet the same Emperor has a Medal
brack in his own Name for the Port of
Oftia, which in Reality was a Work of
his Predecess'or Claudius. The last Pope
was at considerable Charges to make a
little kind of Harbour in this Place^ and
to convey fresh Water to it, which was
one of the Artifices of the Grand Duke,
to divert his Holiness from his Project
. of making Civita-vecchia, a sree Port.
There lyes between Antium and Nettu-
no a. Cardinal’s Villa^ which is one of
the pleasanteft sor Walks, Fountains,
Shades, and- Prospedts that I ever saw.
Antium was formerly famous for the
Temple of Fortune that stood in it. All
agree there were T wo Fortunes worihip-
ped here,which ‘Suetonius calls the Fortuna
Antiatcs, and Martial the Sorores Antii.
Some are of Opinion, that by these Two
Goddesses were meant the Two Nemefes
one of which rewarded good Men, as.
the other punish’d the wicked. Fabretti
and others are apt to believe,
the Two Fortunes were only meant in
general the Goddess who sent Prosperity,
or flie who sent Affli&ions to Mankind,
and produce in their Behalf an ancient
L 4 Monument: