Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Rome, by Sea. ziy
Great Goddess, Hntium's Guardian
Whose Force is strong, and quick to
The lowest to the highest Place;
Or ‘with a wondFous Fall
To bring the Haughty lower,
Find turn proud Triumphs to a Funeral, Sec.
Is we take the first Interpretation of
the Two Fortunes for the double Neme-
sis, the Compliment to C<efar is the
greater, and the Fifth Stanza clearer than
the Commentators usually make it, for
the Clavi trabales, cunei, uncus, lieguidum ■
que, plumbum, were actually used in the
Punifliment of Criminals.
Our next Stage brought us to the
Mouth of the Tiber, into which we en-
ter’d with some Danger, the Sea being
generally very rough in these Parts, where;
the River rushes into it. The Season of
the Year, the Muddiness of the Stream,
with the many Green Trees hanging o-
ver it, put me in Mind os the delight'
nage that Firgil has given us wnen
.^Eneas took the firil View of it.
rftque hie FEmeas ingentem esc cequore
Prospicit; hunc inter fluvio Tiberinus a^
tna'chg L y For-